Discovering the Old Testament, Part 2
How the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures are organized, the sections and the books. Sources of the text: the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint, Targums, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Finally a first look at covenants: what they are and how they work.
Runtime: 22:07.
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the link above to download the file is not working
We’re having some problems with the site database this afternoon. My techies tell me it’s something at the server end and they are working on it. Sorry for any inconvenience!
I just discovered this (thanks to a FB link) – parts 2 and 7 did not download to my Podcast player. (There may be others; that’s how far I got.)
Hi Carol,
Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble downloading some of the episodes. I can’t replicate the problem so I’m not sure what to tell you. However, you should be able to listen to those episodes on iTunes. You may have to install the iTunes software if you’re not on a Mac. Here’s the link:
Thanks for listening!
Is there a notes page,or a transcription of the lectures?
Not yet. I might be making transcripts available in the future. Watch this site!
A transcript would be super-helpful for folks like me who have trouble focusing on listening, but can read quickly/easily.
I just got into your podcast after listening to the latest episode of engaging gospel doctrine. Your podcast is very helpful. Thank you Dr. Greaves.
You’re welcome!